Background Check

How exactly do you judge the ‘Best Private Investigation Firm’?

If you’re reading this right now, there’s a very good chance that you’ve just searched for something like ‘the best private investigation firm in London or the UK’.

And, of course, if you do actually need to hire a private investigator, that’s precisely the sort of search term to use.

But will Google always serve up the ‘best private investigation firm’ for the specific issue you have on your mind?

Maybe. But then again, maybe not.

Let me explain.

In the world of private investigations, there are classic scenarios that – to all intents and purposes – appear to be similar. On the surface at least.

Missing persons, for example. Suspected infidelity. Counter-surveillance. Finding valuable stolen assets. Etc. Etc. They’re the bread and butter of the private investigator’s world – the sort of task any private investigator ought to be able to do in their sleep.

But when you dig deeper into some other less common scenarios, the more thought you may need to put into finding the best private investigator for that particular niche.

In other words, you may have to look for someone who specialises in the type of investigation you need.

Best private detective

Let’s be honest, though. The vast majority of private detectives out there, will have excellent reputations and will do a terrific job for you. And the chances are that they will all have enough of the relevant background experience to carry out the task in hand successfully.

Furthermore, of course, they’ll all have the discretion, integrity and resourcefulness needed to be successful in this profession in the first place.

However, it could be a little difficult for the average person to know exactly which investigator to pick when you want the ‘best detective’ for your particular case.

So, here’s some quick food for thought. When checking out who to choose, see if their experience ties in closely with what you need. Check their websites closely and see if any of their case studies resembles your particular scenario.

And here’s a little list that might be helpful. It’s the Top 10  ‘specialities’ that private investigators carry out. I hope it makes you aware of the types of investigations where proven experience is a big advantage right from the off.

For example, it may not be the case that the best ‘infidelity’ investigator will necessarily be the right person to follow up on ‘international corporate fraud’ concerns!

So, to wrap up, when you’re looking to find the best investigator for a particular issue, the very first investigator on the case may actually be you as you begin to check the various websites out there.

Hope your search is a fruitful one! Here’s that list I mentioned.

  1. Background Checks – Private investigators can conduct thorough background checks, ranging from simple to complex, to uncover criminal history, previous aliases, or verify information provided during a job application or interview.
  2. Bug Sweep & Detection/Counter-Surveillance – In this investigation, the investigator performs electronic and manual sweeps of specific areas to detect hidden recording devices or gps trackers.
  3. Domestic – These investigators handle cases like child support or custody disputes, often employing surveillance techniques to gather evidence.
  4. Due Diligence – Primarily for corporate clients, due diligence investigations are conducted to support business transactions and ensure informed decision-making.
  5. Process Serving – This can often be a very crucial part of the legal process and typically involves ‘serving’ legal letters or court documents on individuals in cases where that ‘serving’ – and proof of it – is needed.
  6. Financial – These investigators compile detailed financial background reports to provide insights into an individual’s or organisation’s financial history.
  7. Fraud – Often working for companies such as insurance firms, fraud investigators specialize in uncovering instances of fraud where someone is attempting to obtain financial gain deceitfully.
  8. Infidelity/Cheating Spouse – Classified as domestic investigations, these cases involve high-level surveillance to confirm whether a spouse or partner is engaging in extramarital activities.
  9. International Investigations – Many private detective companies are asked to work on cases that cross country borders. This can be for many reasons and can involve complex issues regarding differing jurisdictions and legal processes. A proven international reach and trusted global network is recommended for this type of investigation.
  10. Missing Persons/Locating People – Investigators use a range of methods to find missing persons or track down individuals who have intentionally left without a trace, aiming to determine their current location.

If you are interested in any of the above types of investigations, anywhere in London or across the UK, get in touch with us here at Private Detective London. We’ll be happy to help and advise on the best way forward for you.

Call +44(0)20 3747 1865 or drop me an email in the strictest confidence.

The importance of background checks

Our diligent background checks have saved almost £1,000,000 for our clients this year. When you’re making any transaction involving trust, cash, or assets, a background check could significantly reduce your risk.


The importance of choosing a reputable investigator

When a casual user searches online, they are served by a search engine which provides just a small percentage of the available data. This isn’t adequate to fulfil a thorough background check. We use a sophisticated algorithm which enables us to reach the whole internet. To reach additional data, PDL maintains subscriptions to intelligence services with information that isn’t available to the general public.
Background checks can range in depth, from expert desktop investigations to covert surveillance or detailed reporting (in the case of corporate background checking), which can take a number of weeks.
We’re often asked: “What can you do? What information can you find?”
When a client contacts us about our background check service, we ask what they already know and, more importantly, what they need to know. Our detectives are extremely skilled investigators who can focus on extracting the information needed by each client.
So rather than offering packages, we provide a service that is tailored to each case. This ‘bespoke’ approach is based on decades of experience.
In which cases would we advise commissioning a background check?


The importance of protecting your business transactions

We cannot overstate the importance of background checks when you’re making a business transaction. In 2023, the FT carried a report from the Home Office revealing that one in five UK businesses have been victims of fraud between 2018 and 2020.
After fraud has taken place, we’ll work to identify the perpetrators, enabling our clients to take action against them. To build a legal case, you need evidence of dishonest conduct as well as intention to defraud.
But if clients call before conducting a transaction, our detailed background investigation can prevent losses – which have been up to £100,000 in some cases.
During January-May 2023, PDL has already saved more than £890,000 for our clients by carrying out thorough background checks.  We provide this background check service to clients all over the world – as evidenced by numerous cards and gifts received in the office.
When weighing up the cost (in time and money) of a background check, you must compare it with the value of potential losses. When trust or cash changes hands, it’s important to minimise the risks. Take steps to contact us sooner rather than later.
The importance of partner background checks
“Romance fraud” is increasing. The London-based group, Action Fraud, reported that this type of fraud cost victims £88 million in 2022 – affecting 7,938 men and women.
Relationships which have been nurtured online (as well as offline) must be treated with caution, particularly if a contract or transaction will be made. This is where a background investigation becomes important.
Pre-nuptial background checks prevent losses (financial and emotional) and, in many cases, turn out to be vital.

The importance of partner background checks

“Romance fraud” is increasing. The London-based group, Action Fraud, reported that this type of fraud cost victims £88 million in 2022 – affecting 7,938 men and women.

Relationships which have been nurtured online (as well as offline) must be treated with caution, particularly if a contract or transaction will be made. This is where a background investigation becomes important.

Pre-nuptial background checks

The importance of employee background checks

In the current economy, employee fraud is also rising – and can cause high levels of loss for businesses. Zurich reported a total of 500 incidents every month, costing employers an average of £140,000, in 2022.

Many HR departments already undertake DBS checks and reference checking. But when you work with sensitive or confidential data, or entrust your employees with high-level financial access, it is important to commission additional checks: your new employee’s employment history, criminal history, and credit history may all be relevant.

Our background checking service is bespoke and we will search for the data that meets your requirements.

Our background checking service is bespoke and we will search for the data that meets your requirements.


When is background investigation important?

In conclusion, given the escalating levels of fraud all over the UK and beyond, background checks are indispensable when you are:

  • Hiring an employee who will have access to confidential or high-value assets;
  • Preparing to make a business transaction with a new associate;
  • Concerned about the validity of claims made by a personal connection, particularly if they are about to enter into a contract or marriage; or
  • Considering an investment opportunity or venture.

Armed with accurate information, you can make the best decisions to protect yourself and your business. 

To discuss your case, call the office or use the contact form here.

Netflix’s Dirty John: Does That Really Happen?!

It’s not often, but when I do have some downtime, I like to watch a film or a TV series. Recently I discovered a series on Netflix called ‘Dirty John’. The name didn’t particularly capture my attention, but the preview video certainly did. One episode later, I was hooked and ended up for the first time, ‘binge-watching’ a series.

Dirty John is a dramatisation of a true story, and the whole storyline is extremely familiar to me and my team here at PDL.

Dirty John

Mum meets an ostensibly charming new man. Some of her family take to him, though others see that something is not quite right, finding him a bit too good to be true. With many complications – money and assets involved, children being pushed out as Mum is blinded by love, a family member instructs a private investigator to research the new man’s past. Something that turns out to be very revealing.

From experience, I can say that many elements of the story are true to life. As I sat and watched, going “Oh no” and “No, don’t” I got to thinking about all the cases we’ve worked on at PDL over the last 25 years. Pondering similar cases I’ve encountered, I thought about how, simply put, ‘you don’t really know someone until you know them’. Love can cloud our judgement.

Background checks can help to understand a person’s past, and confirm their back story. I’m often asked how these things turn out, in the end. My answer is that generally, provided the person’s motive is correct when instructing the investigator, we will usually find something wrong there. Often our instincts are fairly reliable. Sometimes of course, it turns out to be entirely innocent, which is just a good result for both investigator and client.

We have to move with the times, of course. The world has moved on and the internet has made things move so fast over the past 15-20 years. Everything operates on a global level now, and we have to do so too, investing in people and intelligence sources and technology more than ever, to continue to achieve answers and success for our clients.

Dirty John’ covers just one story of course, whereas we’ve seen many different situations over the years and continue to do so. But if asked “Does this really happen?” I’d have to say yes, the events in ‘Dirty John’ do really happen – and any viewer who has experienced something similar will understand that – and yes we do help people to resolve these situations. 

To discuss background checking in more detail, and how we can help you simplify these situations, get in touch with PDL now